
Welcome to G... Oh wait weve moved lol

Welcome to GamerDiscussion.com 
(Some blogspot link)

Our goal is to build a community support massive script packs for whatever is desired.
We are always adding new scripts to the packages and keeping them updated to the newest RsBot version. For some reason outside of my control the menu items at the top will not allow me to make them capitalized. I have no clue why and have never experianced this issue before, So any suggestions towards that are welcome. The forum section is where you can submit scripts that you would like to see in future releases. Depending on the amount of time I have i will add them as soon as I see them. Currently the MegaPack is the only pack up this will change very soon.
The purpose of this bot pack is to help people new to botting and those who "Have issues compiling". Every one is more than welcome to virus scan any of the releases I  have included a link to virustotal a website that scans with multiple anti viruses and from there servers.
All bots included can be found on powerbot.org and compiled by you on your own. If you need information on a script search its name on powerbot. From there you will find a thread where the owner and users have talked about issues and etc.

Thank you
And I hope you enjoy the releases.

In other News if you head over to the Mega Pack page Ive added Photos.

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